Teaching Practicum

A vital part of the Certificate Program is being able to assess each person’s ability to deliver safe and effective Oncology Yoga interventions or classes. To achieve this, we must evaluate how you teach the yoga4cancer Method.

Teaching Practicum Details: Please review carefully.

These details are provided to assist your planning and to manage your time and expectations (or anxiety). Our mission is to to ensure your certification and success.

  • You will submit a Teaching Practicum video that is 20 mins in length and based on specific criteria in the Teaching Practicum Assignment.
  • The assignment will be provided to you in Module #5. Once received, you will have an opportunity to practice and revise your practicum several times before submitting your video in Module #6.
  • In Module #3, you will be asked to practice the technology and process of uploading a video into the online program. This exercise is for the purpose of learning the technological requirements of submitting your Teaching Practicum video. We will not ask you to upload any of your practice teaching sessions. You will only upload and submit your practicum video in Module #6, after all of your revisions are made and you are ready to be evaluated.
  • The program will deliberately lead you through smaller topics to help you develop and evolve your knowledge and skills. Until you receive the Teaching Practicum Assignment in Module #5, there is no practicum preparation necessary. The program and all required elements serve as your preparation.
  • The video practicum must include a ‘student or model‘ – a friend, family member or colleague. This person does not need to be a cancer survivor or patient. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to be mindful of the health and wellbeing of our cancer community or other vulnerable populations.
  • Your practicum video can be taught and recorded:
    • EITHER in-person via home, studio or others.
    • OR via video through using a multi-screen virtual format (e.g. Zoom).
  • Your practicum must be delivered in English.
  • All participants and YOU must be fully visible and heard. Our goal is to assess your ability to provide a safe and effective class.
  • The video practicum must be recorded via a smartphone, tablet, computer or camera. Your ability to achieve this technical requirement was an agreed condition of the program. It is your responsibility to identify how to fulfill this technical requirement.
  • After recording your video practicum, you will upload the video into the online program in Module #6. Email submissions will not be accepted. As mentioned, a practice of this process is provided in Module #3 to support your success.
  • All video practicums will be evaluated by a mentor along with other assignments. Individual feedback will be provided. The curriculum timeline ensures that both you and your mentor have time to achieve your specific tasks. Failure to achieve deadlines has an impact both on time and costs.
  • If necessary, your mentor may ask you to resubmit your assignment in a second video based on specific feedback. The goal here is to ensure you are the best teacher possible and to keep our community safe. If required, a resubmission is a great learning opportunity.
  • A successful submission of the practicum is required for certification.
  • Please refer to this topic throughout the program to reassure and provide guidance. Additional instructions and support are provided in Modules #3, #5 and #6.

Fall Session Practicum Deadline:

November 1st

The practicum deadline is strict. Completion of all program content and assignments is required prior to submitting your Teaching Practicum by the deadline in Module #6. Failure to achieve this deadline will require transfer to a future program and will incur additional fees. Please save this date in your calendar now.

This section is like reading the final chapter of a book first! So enough on the practicum, for now, focus on engulfing yourself in the program and absorbing as much as possible. This is the best preparation for the practicum.