Topic #4.6 – Take Class with Tari

Are you ready to do some yoga?! This ‘mock class’ was made with the intention of demonstrating all the y4c Class Plan elements. However, it was necessary to limit its length to help you manage the number of training hours. A normal yoga4cancer class is 75 minutes and this is just under 50 minutes. Therefore, in some elements more time should be given, e.g. Seated Cross-legged, Rest&Restore and Sunset poses. Also, in the interest of time, the set up of props and how to use them in a seated cross-legged starting pose are not included in the video and you should prepare in advance.

Please watch the video twice:

  1. First, take class with Tari! During the first time through the video, put your ‘teacher brain’ aside, and follow Tari’s instructions as a student. Enjoy class!
  2. Second, observe with a critical eye! During your second viewing of the mock class, bring out your pen and paper. Feel free to sit comfortably, or practice as needed, but consider how you would lead a similar class, notice the y4c methodology at work and write down your questions or thoughts.

yoga4cancer Propasana:

y4c prop set up

Props Required: 

  • 1 Mat
  • 2- 4 Blocks
  • 1 Bolster
  • 1 strap
  • 1-2 blankets
  • Eye pillow – optional.

If you don’t have these props at home, come up with a creative solution or just make do  – this is a valuable exercise in itself!

Additional propasana references: The yoga4cancer Manual, a description and discussion of Props on p 134; Tips on setting up props and starting position, p 136. In Tari’s book, Yoga for Cancer, suggested language and proper alignment for three seated starting poses can be found in my book, p 115-117.

Tips to Taking a Class with Tari:

  • Watch full screen. For best viewing, we would recommend that you watch this video full screen if you have not been watching the videos before in full screen.  Please click the lower right handed symbol to the right of the YouTube logo.
  • Slow WIFI?  If you have slower wifi, it is useful to start the video but then pause it so the video can load. Wait for 5 minutes and then hit play to practice.  This will enable you to have uninterrupted play of the video.
  • Enjoy the restorative: The suggest time for Rest&Restore and Jelly Roll is at least 3 minutes. Take this time for yourself. Stop the video and enjoy. Also, the transition to Sunset pose (Shavasana) can be enjoyed for at least 5 minutes..
  • Mark Completed after you have watched it TWICE. Once you have watched the video twice, please click on ‘Mark Complete’.  You can always return and watch the video again.

Now before starting the video, find your props, set up your space, turn your phone or other distractions off and be prepared to start the video in a seated position on your mat.