Evidence Informed Oncology Yoga

Serving +100,000 cancer survivors in communities worldwide.


Oncology Yoga is prescribed and available for all those touched by cancer.

What do we do

What is Oncology Yoga?

yoga4cancer (or y4c) is an evidence-informed Oncology Yoga method tailored to address the specific physical and emotional needs left by the cancer and cancer treatments. The approach matches breath and movement to stimulate the immune system, improve flexibility & strength, reduce anxiety and boost overall well-being.

Based on the latest research and recommendations, we mitigate the short and long term side effects that cancer patients and survivors face like bone loss, lymphedema, scar tissue, constipation, neuropathy, fatigue, anxiety and many more.

Oncology yoga is designed to help cancer survivors achieve the American Cancer Society and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services exercise recommendation of between 150 – 320 minutes of exercise per week to speed recovery or defend against cancer reoccurrence.

What is a yoga4cancer Class?

A yoga4cancer class, private or therapy session is tailored to address the specific needs of cancer patients and survivors in safe and effective intervention. Each session will:

  • build strength and flexibility
  • strengthen the immune system and the lymphatic function
  • reduce cancer related fatigue
  • improve sleep and reduce anxiety
  • increase bone density
  • help manage common side effects like lymphedema, constipation and neuropathy
  • and encourage survivors to participate in their wellness plan

Expert Approved

Oncologists recommend yoga.

Oncologist and cancer organizations are recommending yoga and exercise as part of a cancer survivors recovery and management plan. Both the American Cancer Society and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends between to 150 – 320 minutes of exercise per week to speed recovery or defend against cancer occurrence and reoccurrence.

In the 2018 guidelines, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services highlighted that an active yoga practice (explicitly mentioning Vinyasa) was necessary and highlighted that gentle yoga (commonly used in many cancer centers) is not enough to achieve the recommendations.  Therefore, more and more cancer survivors are seeking active, informed yoga classes to gain both the physical and emotional benefits of yoga.

But, not all yoga is the same and for cancer survivors the needs are different. Oncology yoga programs are required to provide safe and effective support.

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Words from our Community

About Us

About Our Founder

Tari Prinster

Tari Prinster is a cancer survivor, master yoga teacher, celebrated author and founder of yoga4cancer and the yoga4cancer Foundation (501c3), which bring evidenced informed yoga to cancer survivors worldwide.

When Tari was fifty, she started a yoga practice to ease symptoms of menopause. After a diagnosis of breast cancer, yoga became a powerful tool for her to manage the daily challenges of treatment side effects. More than a way to stay healthy, yoga gave her a community and the emotional support and spiritual comfort so necessary for recovery and beyond.

The challenge of cancer led to life change. Research about cancer and yoga was in its infancy in 2000. Tari got curious why yoga was so healing for her, but not recommended by her doctors. Cancer patients were told to “go home and rest.” She read widely, including both classic Eastern texts and Western science about anatomy and movement.

Josi Kytle – Co Founder, Executive Director

Josi is the business backbone to yoga4cancer and yoga4cancer Foundation. She brings decades of FTSE 100 business experience to the organizations. She is avid practitioner of yoga and supporting cancer patients and survivors as well.

  • Dale O’Reilly – Director
  • Teri Richardson Gandy – Board Member, Senior Teacher & Presenter
  • Jeannine Bishop – Board Member and Senior Teacher
  • Lindsey Pearson – Board Member, Teacher and Meditation Specialist
  • Sheilagh Falcigno – Board Member
  • Stephanee Howell – Senior Teacher and Hospital Integration Liaison
  • Carolyn Kirshner – Senior Teacher & Medical Advisor
  • Laura Hernandez – Senior Teacher and Tri Lingual Lead (Spanish, French and English)
  • Clare Patterson – Senior Teacher, Therapist in Training and MSK Liason
  • Karen Apostolina – Senior Teacher, Yoga Therapist and Hospital Integration Liaison.
  • Jana Hicks – Senior Teacher

Start your experience today!


“Hope is not a plan. Yoga can be.”

Research Projects