Register for the 75 Hour Program Audit Track

Thank you for your interest in the 2023 Audit Track of the 75 Hour Certificate Program. Review the details and registration information below.

We are honored and excited to have you participate. Your commitment to increase your training hours will only make us, collectively, better! It also helps us to support the cancer patients and survivors who come to us for help. So, thank you!

How is the Audit Track different?

By participating in this Audit program, you will get to enrich your training in Oncology Yoga with full access to the new program content and research provided in the 75 hour program. Completion of the Audit Track will provide you with a 75 hour Certificate. This will only make you a better teacher for those who come to you for help.

Participating in the Audit Track will be different than how you participated in your 55 hour Program. We highlight those differences here to manage expectations and support program success.

  • Our focus will be on the new trainees to understand, absorb, practice and demonstrate elements of the method to become safe and effective Oncology Yoga teachers, just like you! This means that program lectures, discussions and interactions will prioritize new trainees and their learning experience.
  • Allow progressive learning to happen for new trainees. Imagine yourself as the studied observer in a lecture hall, and allow our new trainees the experience of moving through this program material for the first time. Today you have tools, understanding and information that our new trainees will not yet have. Please hold space for questions, interactions and experiences that come from the new trainees.
  • Worksheets & Quizzes – Please note that completed worksheets and quizzes from your 55 hour program will not be transferred to the 75 hour program. You may decide to use the same answers again, type “N/A” into the empty fields, or you may wish to complete each worksheet again for the experience. We and the Training Mentors will not review your answers. Due to the nature of our technology, all quizzes must be completed and cannot be skipped. This creates a great opportunity to review and test your knowledge of the method.
  • Practicum and Mentor Support – As a recently certified teacher and a participant in the Audit Track, you will not be required to submit a Teaching Practicum. You will also not be provided with a Mentor, nor will you be evaluated.
  • Live Events – Participants of the Audit Track can attend most Live Events! You will not attend Live Events that involve practice, review and evaluation of the Teaching Practicum- these events are reserved for new trainees. Throughout the program, guidance and communication regarding all Live Event participation will be provided.
  • Achieving Timelines. The Audit Track provides you with full access to the Program content until December 31, 2023! Please take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to upgrade your Certificate to 75 hours. You must complete the program by December 31st, 2023 in order to receive your 75 hour Certificate. There will be no exceptions.

By registering for the Audit Track you will be accepting the normal terms and conditions of the program. Also make sure you have reviewed the details of the 2023 Certificate Program.

Deadline to register is December 31st.

Please note this is an opportunity for graduates of the 55 Hour Program ONLY. We reserve the right to refuse anyone who doesn’t achieve that requirement.

Register for the 75 Hour Certificate Program Audit Track

Only Available to 55 Hour Program Graduates