Results of Recent Participants

Over 20 Existing Certified Teachers participated in the 55 Hour Program in the past 2 years. Here is what they have said…

After 15 years, the yoga4cancer Certificate Program expanded to 55 hours in 2021. This evolution was long overdue. The Program includes the latest research on both cancer and yoga, improved program materials and new assignments, and interactive, engaging live events. The yoga4cancer method has also evolved based on the experience and wisdom of nearly 2 decades of this important work. The program supports optimal training and education for yoga and healthcare professionals and ensures that those who are certified can facilitate safe and effective Oncology Yoga programs.

Many existing yoga4cancer Teachers requested an opportunity to renew their certification. We wanted to support this interest. We launched a pilot opportunity and 10 of our past teachers took the 55 hour training in Fall 2021.

We have evaluated their experience to best understand the value of our 55 hour program for certified teachers. Here are the results:


  • 10 previously certified yoga4cancer Teachers participated in the Fall 2021 Program. Each individual completed a prior yoga4cancer Teacher Training program of +40 hours, achieved at one time over the past 8 years.
  • 8 out of the 10 participants fully completed the 55 hour program. One participant decided to not submit a teaching practicum, and thus did not complete all the requirements for certification. Another participant is still in progress and we will support completion. The survey details below are from the 8 individuals who completed the entire program.

Feedback from the Trainees

Research Method: Information was collected from the Program Survey provided at the end of the program as part of the final program module. Participants completed the same survey that is given to each trainee. No changes to any survey questions were made, nor were any questions added or removed . Information collected is from 8 of the 10 participants as of February 2022.


The Pilot was a success for both individuals and our community. It provides new and motivating ways for existing trained teachers to refresh or deepen their oncology yoga training. All learning objectives were achieved and key competencies improved over the new program. Participants highly recommend to other teachers and were very satisfied. This will ensure our existing community is best prepared to provide safe and effective oncology yoga to cancer patients and survivors in their communities.

Satisfaction and Likelihood to Recommend
  • All participants were satisfied with the Program. 88% were very satisfied.
  • All participants are likely to recommend the program to others. 88% reported very likely to recommend.
Improvement on Key Training Goals and Comprehension

A key measure of success for any participant is to ensure that learning objectives and key comprehension elements are achieved. Each of these are self reported based on improvement of key goals.

  • All measures showed a significant improvement ranging from 75% to 81%.
Question: ‘Please indicate if your understanding of the below improved during the training.’

What was your favorite / most beneficial part of the program, and why?

  • “I liked all the videos and links to evidence based research (great to have these links/documents to refer to). I had previously completed the 40 hour certificate. The updated 55 hours was schmick!!! The look and feel of the logo/design style, more information, videos to learnt from and links to evidence based research was also a highlight.”
  • “I truly enjoyed the varied learning aspects of the program.  I believe that this is the strength of the program – the ability to learn in various modes, interact in various modes, replay lessons, re-take yoga practice classes through re-play and the chance to interact in person with Tari, the staff and the mentors.  You have added a great deal of interaction to the program since I  took the online/in-person hybrid original training in 2019 (NYC).  Excellent revisions and additions!”
  • “I loved the updated manual!  It was very thorough and helpful!  I also loved all of the live events.  I took the NYC training in 2019. Having the live events helped to feel more connected, which I was worried about since it was not in person.”
  • “I enjoyed the classes! It was great to see the methodology put into practice, in different ways.”
  • “I loved the classes with Clare!   Watching and doing yoga was so good in my understanding proper breathing and movement.”
  • “My favorite and most beneficial in the program was meeting on line more frequently than before, live class from the mentor, actually felt like a y4c teachers community . After certifying for the first time in 2020, this was my re-certification , I felt a lot more at ease, confident and also as I have been helping ca survivors , this time it validated my thoughts and the way I teach. I Liked the Q&A sessions and all the mentors participating to help other y4c teachers really was wonderful.”
  • “practicing with the videos I loved it and also the tari classes are beautiful”
  • “As in the live training, the “costume” practice was a breakthrough. This is because we don’t have more than a superficial understanding of cancer side effects unless we live them directly. The costume training is brilliant in getting as close as can be to be a cancer survivor/patient.”

What was your least favorite / beneficial part of the program, and why?

  • “NA”
  • “My least favorite part of the program was the few times that I missed the LIVE Monday at noon (CST) sessions.  Hitting the replay just wasn’t the same as being LIVE for the actual session.  That was merely a result of scheduling on my behalf.”
  • “I think the only thing I wish there was more of was a more broad spectrum of possible poses and more information on teaching to patients that have certain devices, ports, colostomy bags, traches, etc.  Otherwise I loved the program and it was a wonderful refresher course, and I learned some new things as well.”
  • “As an already-certified Y4C teacher, I was encouraged to attend (with the significant financial discount).  I did not feel like the program was geared for me–the language used, the presentation of what I have already been teaching for 3 years – it would have been helpful if the new information were broken out and presented as such, for fully-trained teachers.  It was of course useful to review the basics, but I think the new information would have had more impact if it was presented as a supplement.  I would not encourage certified teachers to take this training, but rather to go to the webinars, and read the studies.  I think the training is excellent for yoga teachers who are new to the methodology, and fully-support the integrity and depth of the training. I would recommend it to anyone seeking their first oncology yoga training.”
  • “I enjoyed everything!  I really cannot think of any least favorite for the program.   Maybe a few technical difficulties but I totally understand.”
  • “I do not think I had any least favorite, the whole program to me from start to end was in fact a quick revision and also learnt much more . reading material just appropriate and perfect.”
  • “Reading the manual and applying the technics in my classes”
  • “None”

General Testimonies

  • “The Y4C cert training is well researched and offered in an organized and easily to understand way. It is packed full of information, resources, examples of yoga classes, reflective learning that will leave you feeling supported and ready to offer oncology yoga classes.”
  • “The yoga4cancer curriculum is an innovative, engaging and comprehensive program!  I highly suggest you invest your time and energy in learning the best methodology for teaching Oncology Yoga to those individuals affected by cancer.  The program allows for a broad scope of learning  by focusing on the foundational aspects, the physical & emotional aspects of an individual affected by cancer, the science of yoga, the specific methodology of the yoga4cancer methodology, the teaching modalities, and the practical applications of the yoga4cancer philosophy!”
  • “This program provides a great sense of community, it provides plenty of science on yoga, cancer, and why yoga 4 cancer is so necessary.  They will walk you through every step and everything that you need to know to confidently teach an incredible and effective class to your students.  If you have a passion for yoga, a passion for oncology, and a passion for helping cancer patients in a very unique way, I highly recommend this course.  It is life changing.”
  • “This program is comprehensive and doesn’t shy away from presenting the newest scientific research.  The depth and breadth of the training is excellent, and fully-prepares students to become oncology yoga teachers.  The staff is knowledgable and friendly, and very helpful.  I appreciated the mentors being present and sharing their wisdom.  It is so important to lead, making a path for new teachers to succeed.  The online platform worked really well, and the combination of self-guided and webinar/class offerings was perfect.”
  • “To anyone wanting to learn about Yoga for Breast Cancer, this is your Bible!   Tari is magnificent and her team is so fun to listen to while being understanding and knowledgable.   I’ve learned so much in this course and will continue to teach and pass along all that I have learned to better assist others in their own journey of good health and happiness on their yoga pathway.”
  • “If i was talking to a prospective student , I would say 100% take the course and learn the science of yoga and how that can be applied to this ca community , program was just appropriate , all the reading materials were just right and very helpful. Also the Staff , mentors along with Tari have been wonderful in taking the time to answer all the questions and helping new students and recurring students a lot of encouragement that giving more classes and doing the critical thinking really helps. the idea of the Practical assignment really gives you the hand on practice and helps understand when the mentors look at them and help us with lots of tips.”
  • “It is the second time I have taken this certification and Tari’s beautiful energy is contagious. I love this certification and I always learn a lot. I am infinitely grateful to live for the opportunity to be a part of this beautiful and loving Y4C community.”
  • “I wholeheartedly encourage you to take this training and add the y4c methodology to your toolbox. Teaching yoga to cancer patients/survivors is a science and an art, that goes beyond modifying or avoiding poses. It requires understanding and compassion, and these can only be achieved through knowledge. Oncology yoga with the y4c methodology is the best and highest standard type of training for the cancer community.”

Interested in participating in the Spring 2022 Session?

Based on the above results, it is clear that we should be looking to provide this opportunity to others in our existing trained teachers community. It will deepen our knowledge collectively and improve the quality of care we provide to cancer survivors everywhere.

Tuition Costs: 40% off the regular price!

We will provide a 40% discount off of the program to our trained teachers. We want to minimize costs for our community as much as possible, while still covering the costs to operate. We learned that providing the additional training to our existing community requires a significant amount of support from our administrative team and our mentors. Additionally, the fixed costs of the technology must be covered.

We are grateful to offer the 55 hr program for $699 ($12 per hour).

If you are interested:

  1. Review specifics of the 2022 Spring Program here.
  2. Use the link below to Register by April 1st. This deadline is strict so we can prepare and assign mentors before the April 4th start.

Additional background on the 55 hour program for existing yoga4cancer Teachers:

Details provided with the Pilot in 2021
  • Tari’s training program has existed for 15 years. In that period, there has been significant developments in yoga and cancer research, cancer protocols and recommendations, observed application to thousands of cancer patients and survivors, advances in technology and teaching pedagogy. The program has slowly evolved over that period and, frankly, was bursting at the seams of the 45 hour container. The evolved program still stands on an evidence-based foundation, but utilizes advancements in science and research to provide the best quality training.
  • Oncology Yoga has Emerged. We’ve said it before: cancer patients and survivors need yoga, but not all yoga is the same. The needs of survivors are different. yoga4cancer was created to fill a gap in both the communities of yoga and cancer care. Now, almost two decades later, Tari and yoga4cancer continue to lead a movement that substantializes the methods of delivering the benefits of yoga to cancer patients and survivors globally.
  • Every training element has been upgraded. The new content of this program is not an add-on to what has existed before. Rather, everything has grown and evolved. While our foundation remains the same, we have made significant renovations! Therefore, it is required that individuals participate in the entire program from beginning to end to ensure comprehension. We have learned that the online program completed over the 18-week period supports an optimal learning experience while providing dedicated support for all participants. We have seen a substantial increase in the quality of applicants and graduates of the program. Without a doubt, the program today is significantly better, easier to navigate, and longer than the program from 5, 10 or 15 years ago.
  • How different is the 55-hour from past programs? Just like the practice of yoga, delivering a certificate program is also a practice. Over time, it evolves to become wiser and stronger. For those who have taken a version of our program with an online component, that experience will feel familiar as you navigate the new modules and materials. The online training modules are more streamlined and user friendly. The y4c Team is also more accessible and the program is supported by the Team, Tari and her cohort of Training Mentors. Over the course of 18 weeks, we host live and interactive events that will feel like we are in the same room together, even as we span the globe! So, those who participated in programs with in-person components will not miss the networking, sharing and connection we still create together. The content of the program has significantly improved with expanded online training modules that include demonstration videos, lectures, assignments and tools. The Manual has expanded to include over 25% more material and resources. Individuals will receive more personal mentorship and feedback on practice teaching than we’ve ever been able to provide, even during our in-person programs.