Pre-Register for a Healthcare Professional Program

Over the past two decades, our Certificate program has attracted many non-yoga teaching professionals. These professionals have come with a range of backgrounds from other integrative modalities (like physical therapy or massage therapy), to healthcare professionals that are looking to build an Oncology Yoga program in their institution. Or these participants are professionals that are curious about Oncology Yoga but do not have a yoga teaching certification. Historically, we have welcomed their participation into the certificate training program.

Recently, we have identified that certain parts of the ‘normal’ certificate program is challenging for those that have not received a yoga teacher training and moreover, some elements are not necessary if there is no intention or need to teach the method to others.

Therefore, we are developing a specific healthcare professional program for non-yoga teaching professionals. This program will deliver valuable elements of the 75 hour certificate program but will not require the submission of a teaching practicum, nor any evaluation of the teaching skills required for teaching Oncology Yoga classes, sessions or programs.

We are finalizing details in the next few months but the program will launch 1H 2023. The program is likely to be


  • facts about cancer and cancer treatments
  • the physics and physiology of yoga
  • healthcare guidelines and research on the role of yoga for the cancer community 
  • the common short and long-term side-effects of treatments
  • how Oncology Yoga can mitigate side effects, improve daily functioning and long-term health
  • trauma informed language and approach
  • Risks and benefits of yoga for cancer patients and survivors
  • Research on Oncology Yoga
  • Applications of Oncology Yoga
  • Some practice and review of the method

Not Included

  • Extensive review of appropriate and inappropriate poses
  • critical thinking to apply skills to all cancer patients and survivors
  • practice on how to credibly and authentically talk to cancer survivors, caregivers and healthcare providers
  • experience in delivering a safe and effective Oncology Yoga session
  • and ample supervised teaching and mentorship.