Table of Contents
  1. Review & Update General Settings in Your Profile
  2. Certified Teachers ONLY Preferences

How do I update my Name, Address or Email Contact?

Review & Update General Settings in Your Profile

All aspects of your Profile are available in your Settings. Once you have logged in, access is via your My Account in the upper right hand corner of the website.

It is important for Yoga Professionals – teachers in training or Certified Teachers – to update this information and keep it accurate. For example: the Display Name will be used for Certificates and mentors will review yoga credentials in the Certificate Program.

Please note that you click ‘SAVE GENERAL SETTINGS’ or your information will not be stored. The system will reset in 5 seconds saving your information.

Certified Teachers ONLY Preferences

The Profile Settings will range based on the current role within yoga4cancer Community. For example, our Certified Teachers have additional fields to support the Find A Teacher listing. It is incredibly important that these are accurate as they will be provided to potential cancer survivors and healthcare institutions that are looking for support.

If you are a Certified Teacher, please do the following:

  • Make sure you are logged into the account associated with your Certification. Other accounts will not be recognized.
  • Update all settings based
  • Importantly, make sure you review the Professional Address settings and ensure accuracy as that will drive your Find a Teacher listing.
  • Confirm any links that you are provided are working and accurate.
  • Please note that some aspects of the profile information being collected is not currently used on the profile and are anticipated for the future.
  • Make sure you ‘SAVE PREFERENCES’