Table of Contents
  1. Exclusive Events or Resources
  2. Make sure you are logged in to the correct account.

‘Sorry, you are not eligible to view this event.’ What is this?

Exclusive Events or Resources

Some things on are exclusive to individual groups or program participants.

So if you are seeing the below message, the event is exclusive and as you are not logged in, you will not be able to access.

Please use the LOGIN in the upper right hand side to access the event or resource – if you are eligible for it.

Image of the website with the error message 'Sorry, you are not eligible to view this event.'

Make sure you are logged in to the correct account.

If you believe you are eligible for the event or resource, please make sure that you are logged into the account associated with your profile.

If you are Certified Teacher, please make sure its your profile linked to your account that you gained certification. No other account or new account will allow access.