Topic Tag: 2021


There are many myths or misunderstandings about cancer, and about yoga.  These can impact your ability to create a safe and effective practice for cancer patients and survivors. Our first quiz is designed to identify common myths and provide some facts that might challenge your existing misunderstandings. Answer honestly and allow yourself to be surprised …

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Using Metaphor

The use of metaphor is very powerful, but it requires time and practice, just like yoga. Metaphors do not always come easily and sometimes they come spontaneously from experience.  The use of metaphor is woven into the yoga4cancer methodology to transform the narrative of cancer, engage the philosophies of yoga, and provide a nurturing experience. …

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Cancer Treatments

Assignments: Watch the following videos. Please note, some videos are graphic. General Principles of Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy and Lumpectomy by Darrin Hansen MD What is cancer radiotherapy and how does it work? Source: Cancer Research UK CANCER (CHEMOTHERAPY)

Common Side Effects

The manual covers side effects extensively, yet this review is still only scratching the surface of potential side effects of treatments. Oncology Yoga professionals must also know how to research and evaluate unfamiliar side effects and situations they may face when working with this population. Research Assignment Select one of the following side effects and …

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