Topic Tag: Sample

Cancer Basics

What is Cancer? Cancer is not just one disease, but is the general name used to describe hundreds of diseases, all presenting themselves in their particular way with the presence of abnormal and invasive cell growth. If left untreated, cancer can cause serious illness and death. Normal human cells are born from another similar cell. …

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What is Oncology Yoga?

Oncology Yoga is an evidence-based yoga practice that addresses the specific needs of cancer patients and survivors. It employs the benefits of yoga and applies to all cancer types and stages, serving the growing cancer community to help mitigate side effects, support the immune system and achieve healthcare guidelines for recovery and prevention.

The Myths of Cancer and Yoga

There are many myths or misunderstandings about cancer, and about yoga.  These can impact your ability to best serve cancer patients and survivors that come to you for help. This activity is designed to identify common myths  and provide the facts. The underlining goal of this activity is to engage your critical thinking and have …

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