COVID-19 Announcement

Updated March 26, 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, our mission has never been more important – to support the wellbeing of cancer survivors everywhere.

The limited data indicates that patients with cancer might have a higher risk of getting COVID-19 than individuals without cancer. These few studies show that cancer patients have a poorer outcome. Additionally, there is greater impact in older populations, those with comorbidity (e.g. others disease factors) and immune suppressed individuals. And, just like cancer, prevention and management are key.

We want you to feel assured that we are managing this situation to the best of our ability, and we have provided some tips below to help you do the same.  

yoga4cancer Response to COVID-19

  • Tari Prinster and yoga4cancer are hosting FREE live streaming classes and replays are available on To join the live classes please follow us on Facebook.
  • We are not recommending any face to face yoga4cancer classes be held until further notice. Many of our yoga4cancer Classes are now being streamed virtually by our teachers and partner studios. Please contact your local studio, hospital, teacher or cancer center for accurate information.
  • Our Spring 2020, weekend training programs in Miami, Chicago and New York City have been moved to be delivered fully online. The Amsterdam training scheduled for June 2020 is under review and decisions will be announced in early April.
  • We are carefully monitoring the situation to provide the fact-based information to our students, teachers and community.  Follow us on Facebook for the latest information and guidance.

Recommendations and Resources

  • Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) is an alternative.
  • Stay home when sick, except to get medical care.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects often.
  • Avoid close contact – being within 6 feet – from people who are sick, especially those who are coughing or sneezing.
  • Face masks are not recommended for people who are well. However, if you show symptoms of COVID-19 or another respiratory disease then you should wear a mask.
  • For yoga4cancer Teachers, please recommend your students participate in online classes. And consider using Skype or other online video chat services to conduct privates. 
  • Follow CDC guidelines and updates here.
  • Learn more about how cancer patients and survivors are at higher risk.

Our final recommendation for everyone is to continue to prioritize and support your immune system. Yoga has been proven to be an effective tool. This will best protect against COVID-19, other viruses or cancer. There are excellent options for you to do that in the safety and convenience of your home.  Please participate in the FREE yoga4cancer Online Class with Tari

We will be sure to keep in contact and update our community. For timeline updates, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook

Tari Prinster and the yoga4cancer Team