Topic Tag: 2021

Yoga Benefits: Bones and Lymph

Video Assignments: #1- Exercise and Bone Health by Brigham and Women’s Hospital NOTE: Research conducted by Dr. Loren Fishman, as published in ‘Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation‘ indicated that a daily yoga regimen actually raised bone mineral density. Review the full study here. #2: ‘Exercise Improves Lymphatic Drainage’ by Joan Shulmistras of Lymph Connect Reading Assignments: …

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Download Manual

The yoga4cancer Certificate Program Manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the online learning system. The manual is divided into sections that align to the curriculum of each online module to provide reading materials and additional resources.  The material in both mediums will support each other and at times be repetitive to ensure …

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Introductions: Let’s get to know each other!

NEED TO UPDATE The details you provide below will help our team and mentors get to know you. These questions are also visible in your Profile Settings. Once you have become certified, additional fields will be requested. These details and others will drive your listing in our Find a Teacher Directory and other exclusive elements.

Download Manual

The yoga4cancer Certificate Program Manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the online learning system. The manual is divided into sections that align to the curriculum of each online module to provide reading materials and additional resources.  Each section will be provided at the start of each corresponding module as a downloadable PDF. …

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