Topic Tag: 2023

Practicum Self-Assessment

Self-assessment can be a tough activity, but effective. Please give yourself the level of compassion and critical thinking that your class participants deserve, and that will ultimately best support your ability to deliver this method safely and effectively. Please note: your mentor will review this assignment (among others) to evaluate your Practicum and provide guidance.

Submit Your Teaching Practicum Video

‘An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing.‘ – Dale Carnegie By now, you have created your Teaching Practicum and practiced with a friend, family member or student. You have reflected on this practice and made modifications. You have also reviewed the provided sample practicums and accompanying mentor feedback. You are now …

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Your Teaching Sequence

“Plan your work and work your plan.” Please share your teaching sequence in the worksheet below. This will help help ensure that you and your mentor are clear on the intended structure and goal of your practicum. Assignment: Teaching Sequence

Practicum Reflections and Revisions

By now, you should have practiced teaching your yoga4cancer sequence at least once. Complete the assignment below to reflect on your experience and the edits or changes you made to your sequence. This information will help your Mentor upon reviewing your final Teaching Practicum video submission.

Teaching Practicum Assignment

The Teaching Practicum is your opportunity to apply what you have learned, further your experience and, ultimately, prepare you for teaching to your students, clients and patients. Several following assignments will provide opportunities to refine your teaching. Take your time and follow instructions carefully. Your teaching practicum experience will be humbling, enlightening and empowering! We …

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Class as a Survivor – Preparing

1) Preparations: Your transition from being a student of yoga for cancer to a teacher of yoga for cancer has begun. In this topic we challenge you to experience class as a cancer survivor by simulating common side effects of treatment. This exercise is hands-on, informative, and proven invaluable to every certified yoga4cancer teacher. Please …

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Turning Compassion into Empathy

Reading Assignment: Compassion: what is it? How do we practice it? How do we express it? Compassion is a big word in the yoga world, but what does it really mean? The Latin origin defines compassion as “to suffer with.” The yogic interpretation of compassion aligns with this definition and enhances the definition to include …

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