Yoga Interventions for Cancer Patients and Survivors


About the White Paper

Yoga Interventions for Cancer Patients and Survivors is a robust review of existing research on the benefits of yoga for cancer patients and survivors and how yoga manages short- and long-term side effects faced by most cancer survivors. It was developed by a team of medical writers, oncologist, researchers and yoga4cancer team.  And it is also an initial guide to healthcare professionals on how to include a yoga intervention in their institution. Our hope is that the document is circulated and put in the hands of every doctor, nurse, hospital administrator, caregiver, yoga professional and cancer survivor. Hope is not a plan; yoga can be.

The project was funded by generous and necessary donors to our non-profit partner and took almost 2 years to complete. If you are in support to this type of work, please consider donating today.

‘Yoga is as scientific as it is spiritual.’

Tari Prinster


Fundamentos de Yoga Para Pacientes y Sobrevivientes de Cáncer

Yoga Interventions for Cancer Patients and Survivors available in Spanish.


がん患者とがん経験者のための ヨガ白書

Yoga Interventions for Cancer Patients and Survivors available in Spanish.