Kripalu, Here We Come!

y4c Teacher Training at Kripalu, February 10-15, 2013

This will be Tari’s 3rd year bringing y4c training to Kripalu, and we can’t wait. Past students there have been a joy, and the setting at Kripalu is so peaceful and conducive to the work– it makes the training experience extra focused and nourishing. Below are just a handful of comments received from students after last year’s training at Kripalu:

Many of my questions found answers in this training, and I walked away with far more grounding in knowledge and experience, confidence, and an ability to work with whatever and whoever shows up. In fact, the Monday after the training showed me how much I had absorbed when a new student showed up in my yoga for cancer survivors class. I felt at ease and immediately able to ask questions and help the student throughout the class. I also feel more- Lynn

The training has given me the ability to approach yoga survivors—first with a great deal of respect—and secondly with the skills to support the practice of each student with encouragement and an open heart ready to listen to their needs. From there, we can explore a safe path to find joy in the healing.- Renee

I’m very impressed with all the Vinyasa practice and hands on; along with theimportant medical lectures. I was very please by the entire TT & I found Tari to bedelightful and so very humble as well as a wonderful facilitator, in an environmentwith so many personalities, for such a lengthy time, well she rocked it!! I’d be upfor a refresher TT if new information deemed necessary.- Sally

Before the training I know some of the benefits of yoga and of course the benefits that I receive in my own practice. But the specifics of yoga as a benefit to cancer survivors was still vague in my mind. Now, I feel like I have a wonderful toolbox of specific benefits — and that I find to be more empowering for my students as well as myself. One of the areas of learning that I found so helpful was the information about the immune system and the many ways the body supports our health, balance and well-being. I am now integrating more information about the immune system and how yoga specifically supports immune health functioning. This has been received with much enthusiasm from my students as they learn more about the power of their own physical capacities for creating health, no matter what they have gone through or what they may be dealing with now. The asanas and improvised stretches we do have more meaning for them, more purpose. I also notice that this has helped students to focus, be more determined in their efforts, to take pride in what they are doing, and to laugh more. What a joy for us all!- Lynn

I experienced a shift in my perspective about control. A harmonious effort to move breath, thoughts, and the physical body while intentionally moving lymph and blood to assist the Immune System helped with that shift.- Georgia

Before taking this excellent class, I was a little apprehensive about teaching yoga to cancer survivors. One of my biggest concerns was how to handle someone who is recovering from a surgery, or maybe they were partially paralyzed as a result of surgery. I was also nervous about working with someone who is suffering from the effects of treatment. How could I convince someone that yoga will help them when they are in so much pain?
But now that I understand cancer a little more, and what a patient goes through following surgery and treatment, I feel more confident. You taught us among other things about scar tissue and radiation burns and what happens after a mastectomy. I am more aware of the possibility that someone with scar tissue, let’s say from a mastectomy, can still do a prone pose although it might need modifying. I now know that I don’t have to approach a cancer survivor in a yoga class like she is a piece of fine china that might break. Instead I will recognize that she just wants to feel as normal as possible, and that it is my job to help her feel that way during a class.- Linda E

The method of vinyasa flow utilizing modifications and props to make postures fluid and accessible has allowed me to offer movement sequences to my students that make them feel confident and graceful.- Georgia

During the training I started to realize I needed to be able to create a class to help a cancer survivor feel really good about their body and their time on their mat that day.That it was my job to make the class a success for each participant. It was not my practice. I needed to have a strong voice and feel confident in what I was teaching. I taught a class last Monday for a beginner’s class which had a 2 cancer survivors in the class. I placed every element in that class Tari taught us. I was confident, clear, and made sure the class was a success for everyone. I had so many compliments on that class and so grateful for my training with Tari. I have so much more to learn, but moving forward with such excitement. -Jeanine

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