“The main point of Buddhist teaching instructs us to move towards difficulties, not away. It is there … that we can begin to think of our life as offering endless opportunities and to start doing things differently.” – Pema Chodron
During lunch with a young friend this week, we discussed her age-appropriate process of making choices about career, realizing as she spoke that no option had a ‘success guarantee’. I was first struck how lucky she was to have choice. But in the end, she really has no choice. She must move forward with her life. In this conversation, I was again struck by the duality that cancer creates in our lives. (As with so many things.)
Unlike a career, cancer chooses us. The ‘C’-words that career and cancer share are two other ‘C’-words: challenge and change. No matter what my young friend ultimately chooses, it will challenge her. And no matter what her choice, it will change her life. The choice will not change her, rather give her the opportunity to polish the jewel she already is.
Walk through your fears to opportunity and a cure.
Walk through your fears to find life.