Love Begins Within


Valentine’s Day is often associated with the Hollywood image of “ideal” romance between couples. With this overriding concept afoot during this time of year, it is easy to miss out on the lovely simplicity and subtlety of real life love. The relationships that shape our day-to-day existence can be less than exciting and perfect, but are so valuable and important to nourish.

Yoga teaches us to get to get to know our own imperfections intimately. By doing so, you can begin to cultivate compassion for yourself– strengths and weaknesses alike. This practice of kindness to yourself easily translates into kindness for others.  Acknowledging the importance of your own community and finding love and support for those who love and support you will be a healing practice on its own.  Dedicate your practice to all the “someones you love” (including yourself!!) this week and keep that loving Valentine’s spirit all year long.


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